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Protests have been raging in Hong Kong over a new extradition bill. REUTERS/Thomas Peter.
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Telegram on Wednesday announced it was experiencing connection problems as the result of a huge cyberattack on its servers. The distributed denial-of-service attack overloaded the servers with phony requests, disrupting connection to the internet. Telegram's founder, Pavel Durov, tweeted that most of the attacking IP addresses were based in China. IP addresses coming mostly from China. Batch delete word images free. Historically, all state actor-sized DDoS (200-400 Gb/s of junk) we experienced coincided in time with protests in Hong Kong (coordinated on ).
This case was not an exception. — Pavel Durov (@durov)that would allow Hong Kong citizens to be extradited to mainland China for trial.
Critics of the bill say it would diminish Hong Kong's semiautonomous status and could cause citizens to be tried unfairly, as the mainland has weaker legal protections.Read more:that Telegram was trending in the Hong Kong Apple App Store alongside the peer-to-peer messaging app Firechat. The administrator of a Telegram group with 30,000 members was arrested Tuesday on suspicion of 'conspiracy to commit public nuisance,'.Bloomberg further reported that protesters had been wearing masks to avoid detection by facial recognition and avoiding public-transit cards traceable to their identities. Telegram on Wednesday announced it was experiencing connection problems as the result of a huge cyberattack on its servers.The distributed denial-of-service attack overloaded the servers with phony requests, disrupting connection to the internet.Telegram's founder, Pavel Durov, tweeted that most of the attacking IP addresses were based in China.
Telegram on Wednesday announced it was experiencing connection problems as the result of a huge cyberattack on its servers.The distributed denial-of-service attack overloaded the servers with phony requests, disrupting connection to the internet.Telegram's founder, Pavel Durov, tweeted that most of the attacking IP addresses were based in China.