Eu4 Nations To Play

I haven't played EUIV for some time now but my favourite natons were probably these:1) Italian minors (Tuscany is my personal favourite). Stuck between Austria and France and restricted by huge AE penalties of the HRE while Aragon encroaches in the south. Plus forming Italy grants some awesome ideas. Pretty cool overall.2) Balkan minors, as you have a clear goal of fighting Ottomans. And even united Balkan is poor and has almost no MP.
Only one major contender though. Still fun.3) Brittany (and perhaps other French minors too). Granted I had an obvious route of going colonial. RinPriest said:Ottomans just to fuck over Europe with my Sunni religion,it gets pretty fun when the Holy Roman Empire is dissolved and Germany starts getting eaten up by everyone.I see you are a fan of easymode.At least I don't play France and form a personal union with Burgundy,that's basically cheating.Ottomans is easier than France.In fact the only thing easier than Ottomans is Castile.Instead of Ottomans do Mamluks and form Arabia, or do Qara and form persia.I've played Castille, but then I ragequit when France and their OP army attacked me. Japan (It's fun to build up a huge colony in Asia)Ottomans (Conquering the Middle East and fighting against Europe is fun)Hungary (Fighting against the Ottomans and sometimes the german princes is challenging)Sweden (This campaign I liked not because of the country itself, but the big clusterfuck that took place. Mount and blade warband marriage mod. I managed to lose almost all of Sweden, then I magically managed to set foot in Sicily with the help of a completely unexpected ally, I fought against the Papacy and it's defenders, then I managed to slowly destroy my allies and make them my inferiors, I got from the leg of Italy to Denmark. Then I got into a huge war with France and Spain.

That includes Tribes, Hordes, anything. Even custom nations! Just don't forget to write down or put a screenshot of the ideas if you will be writing about custom nation. Looking to play with some intresting/fun nation, kinda bored of EU4 but I want to get back to the game and nolife the♥♥♥♥♥♥out of it without getting bored. I like playing as Sweden since I've learned something about its history at school, but I'm a bit disappointed that there aren't many small nations you can play as for example single counties in Crusader Kings 2. I like starting off small and then expanding. It gives me a greater sense of achievement.
Eu4 Good Nations To Play With Friends
I managed to lose and all what was left for me was the shores of the Baltic sea. After that I managed to inherit a Russian principality. Meanwhile, the Ottomans conquered all of Eastern Europe so it was time to fight back. I became the Defender of the Faith and in 14 years I managed to liberate Europe).