Sim Settlements Far Harbor

I'm playing through Far Harbor, and found out about Sim Settlements. I downloaded all the things. They all seem to be installed and working. I have a couple specific questions. I just got Dalton Farm in Far Harbor as a settlement. I understand that there are no ROTC city plans for Dalton Farm (or any of the dlc yet). So my leader therefore won't build a fancy city plan. Apr 05, 2018  Are they any ROTC City Plans for the Far Harbor Settlements? I know there were not when ROTC was first released, but it was said they supposed to be included at a later time.

Rockdude89 wrote: Kinggath, on Xbox im no longer getting new settlers and unable to move existing ones to other settlements. On PC everything works great! Kinggath wrote: There's nothing in the mod to cause that (anymore). Only versions 1.0 and 1.0.1 had a bug that could interfere with transferring settlers, Xbox only has 1.0.5.Sounds like another mod is reacting poorly with Sim Settlements on your Xbox install. Rockdude89 wrote: Yeah, i know the deadplot bug was fixed. Im at a loss.

I dont have any mods that affect settlers. Kinggath wrote: It could just be that your settlement scripts are backed up. On my xbox playthrough it takes literal minutes after I get to one my settlements before my settlers do what I tell them. Rockdude89 wrote: Its been multiple in game days and still no settlers at any settlement. I dont know what mod i may have that could be conflicting. Better Settlers doesnt touch scripts and the Unofficial Patch should be safe.

Kinggath wrote: As long as it's the All DLC version of the unofficial patch. The Non-DLC version is broken. VantianKaq wrote: I'm having the same problem. My settlements stopped getting settlers at some point. It's been a couple of days since I got the last one.@rockdude98: Could you throw me a list of the mods you are using to see what we have in common?

Travanix wrote: Your mod has brought life into the settlement system for this game. I applaud your efforts and continued attention to detail on this modification and support you 100%.

One item that I believe would further enhanced this mod:1) Settlements in stock Fallout are linked merely by trade routes. This persists throughout the game. However, it would be common understanding as settlements become more established that more means of travel and or communication between each settlement would increase. I believe a 'scoring' system for each system.

As settlements get more established and become more permanent (stage 3 buildings), so too should the lines of communications and transportation routes be improved upon. For example:A) Settlement A and Settlement B are now high level settlements that are established and the populations are happy. At these settlements a communications node can be established which increases settlement happiness levels.B) In addition to the communications node, a transportation node can be established between both settlements, such as a vertiberd transport or an institute teleport. I think this one is a key important item to look at because it would reinforce the necessity for people to work towards establishing robust settlement locations for fast transport (survival sucks without a means of transport.

Outside of the boot-leather express). This would GREATLY enhance survival gameplay as it adds another dimension to the game where if you want to travel a little more easier around the wasteland, you have to work for it.Travanix wrote: Also - since i am on a Sim Settlement high right nowThemed settlements set up within the holo-disc that you first pick up. You establish what your theme is.

FarSim Settlements Far Harbor

What I am thinking is a 'Scientific' theme where the random houses are geared towards more technology and doodads with blinky lights and things that go swoosh.Or a'Military' theme could incorporate lots of gunner style decor and even incorporate the sandbag fortification modification here on the nexusA lot of that stuff is coming! If you could - post this in the Suggestions thread of the Forums tab (between Bugs and Tags), I read through those when I'm jotting down ideas for patches. I have tested this mod extensively - through 42 levels of normal Fallout 4 gameplay with all DLCs and with a a reasonable amount of other mods installed, all of them small, mostly cosmetic changes. I built two major settlements at Red Rocket and Marina Tours Mania, both developed to 17-19 settlers who all live and work in level 3 buildings.I had pretty much no glitches or bugs.

The building of plots is a little fiddly at times, but that's mostly because the whole settlement building UI and mechanic sucks, I guess you won't be able to change that. There's a lot of falling through floors and running against walls and doors, but again: This is Bethesdas handywork, not yours. But there is one thing you might be able to do: Increasing the number of settlers that live in a house, for several reasons.First of all, even in the smallest of settlements like Red Rocket, you can reach your settler limit and still find yourself in a ghost town.

Sim Settlements Far Harbor Michigan

I don't know how difficult it would be to fill them with more live, like for example changing the sandboxing (I guess this is done like in skyrim?) rhythm, meaning that they perform more different actions in a given timeframe.Second: Even though I want more settlers I can already tell that the settlements I have right now already test out the limits of what would be possible. When I come from Sanctuary anwhere near Red Rocket the frame rate goes down to 1/second for several seconds, and that can lead to further problems because such a big settlement with all it's ressources will get attacked a lot more frequent. When you fast travel to that settlement you will get overrun in those five seconds, and I died.

I actually fast travel to Abernathy or Sanctuary now so that the cell is fully loaded.before. I get myself into trouble.But I also have have very regular endless loading screens since those two settlements have grown to the max, especially when I get anywhere near them or after I visited them.

It is obvious that they put quite the strain on my average PC with his average graphic card. Which means that there is an obvious limit to the size that settlement can have, and as far as I understand the creation kit it doesn't really matter if the object there is a wall or a bottle cap, so the cluttering/decoration especially at level 3 is enough to reach that limit.I'm still figuring out how the whole thing works, so maybe my idea would make thing worse, but would it possible to build just more beds in one house with each upgrade it gets? Like for example families? That way you would be able to maintain a bigger population with a lot less buildings - if you have the rig for it, that won't stop you from building more - and at the same time a little more life in your 'city'.In any case, this is a great mod, and I already don't see myself going back to the old system any time soon. I already found out how to crash the creation kit in numerous ways, so one of these days I hope I'm able to participate in some way. Sf2000 wrote: I have tested this mod extensively - through 42 levels of normal Fallout 4 gameplay with all DLCs and with a a reasonable amount of other mods installed, all of them small, mostly cosmetic changes.

I built two major settlements at Red Rocket and Marina Tours Mania, both developed to 17-19 settlers who all live and work in level 3 buildings.I had pretty much no glitches or bugs. The building of plots is a little fiddly at times, but that's mostly because the whole settlement building UI and mechanic sucks, I guess you won't be able to change that. There's a lot of falling through floors and running against walls and doors, but again: This is Bethesdas handywork, not yours. But there is one thing you might be able to do: Increasing the number of settlers that live in a house, for several reasons.First of all, even in the smallest of settlements like Red Rocket, you can reach your settler limit and still find yourself in a ghost town. I don't know how difficult it would be to fill them with more live, like for example changing the sandboxing (I guess this is done like in skyrim?) rhythm, meaning that they perform more different actions in a given timeframe.Second: Even though I want more settlers I can already tell that the settlements I have right now already test out the limits of what would be possible. When I come from Sanctuary anwhere near Red Rocket the frame rate goes down to 1/second for several seconds, and that can lead to further problems because such a big settlement with all it's ressources will get attacked a lot more frequent.

When you fast travel to that settlement you will get overrun in those five seconds, and I died. I actually fast travel to Abernathy or Sanctuary now so that the cell is fully loaded.before. I get myself into trouble.But I also have have very regular endless loading screens since those two settlements have grown to the max, especially when I get anywhere near them or after I visited them.

It is obvious that they put quite the strain on my average PC with his average graphic card. Which means that there is an obvious limit to the size that settlement can have, and as far as I understand the creation kit it doesn't really matter if the object there is a wall or a bottle cap, so the cluttering/decoration especially at level 3 is enough to reach that limit.I'm still figuring out how the whole thing works, so maybe my idea would make thing worse, but would it possible to build just more beds in one house with each upgrade it gets? Like for example families? That way you would be able to maintain a bigger population with a lot less buildings - if you have the rig for it, that won't stop you from building more - and at the same time a little more life in your 'city'.In any case, this is a great mod, and I already don't see myself going back to the old system any time soon. I already found out how to crash the creation kit in numerous ways, so one of these days I hope I'm able to participate in some way.Check out the 'The Future' section of the description - multi-dweller homes are coming (they are a bit of a technical challenge)! Along with a bunch more features.The load time thing will always be an issue for Xbox and average PCs, not much I can do about that.

Ugzb wrote: So I got my Sim Settlements to work except for the hud (still on 1.0.3, will try 1.0.5 this weekend).I noticed I get some messages about taxes, I think, but they are so fast gone I can't really read them.If this happens to other players as well, would it be possible to implement something like 'Shaikujin's Better warning for settlements being attacked'?Keep up the great work!I unfortunately can't control the length messages stay on screen (the option that is supposed to do so is broken). I might add an option to convert them to message boxes like that in the future.The tax notification plays a 'cha-ching' sound when it comes in - when you get that, it's time to head to your workshops and collect!. TRULY AWESOME MOD. I've only just gotten started, an am very eager to see what my settlers come up with.I happened to be in Greygarden when I installed the mod, so that was the first place I used it - I figured the robots wouldn't need houses, but I did start an industrial plot.

Didn't seem to be any animations for the Mr Handys to actually work on them, but I kinda expected they'd be a special case.Thought, though: what if you had a robotic workshop as a plot option, that would randomly upgrade and/or create robotic settlers? Build a robot bar that sold robot food food (components) and robot drink (oil, maybe acid and turpentine)? Maybe robot repair kits reskinned as Olde Fortran.Edited by levitator36, 29 March 2017 - 08:27 PM. So, I noticed that while reloading a save, the City Manager Holotape randomly gets added to my inventory. Every time I load a save actually.

Can you fix this please? Cause it is the most annoying thing you can ever have in a mod. I keep all of my settings-based holotapes at home in a safe container so that I don't carry around anything extra, and getting a random holotape added to my inventory just because I don't have it on me is extremely annoying, and rather stupidly useless.All it does is make me want to uninstall your mod, which is what I do NOT want to do. So I'm asking nicely, can you please fix this problem?.


. Version 1.9b- NavCut Park House to improve settler navigation of buildingVersion 1.9a- NavCut Gatehouse to improve settler navigation of buildingVersion 1.9- Fixed false DLC requirements- Added Martial Gatehouse L1/L2- Added Happiness Bonus to Park House (L1 +10, L2 +25)Version 1.8- Added L3 Gravel Pit- Modified Resources Gathered by Gravel Pit:95% Cement Scrap5% A Rare Mineral. Requires Version 2.1.7 or Greater ofand Far Harbor DLC Russian Translation:  NOTICE: v4.0+ now requires Far Harbor DLCContents (Newest changes in yellow)New Settlement Leaders:. Honest Dan (WIP - Unfortunately, since Bethesda 'killed him off' after his quest line he's non-functional.

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